Kjell Mork Soot, me ha contestado al Charadrius hiaticula ( Chorlitejo grande) que puse hace unas entradas, con todos los datos de su anillamiento.
Además de eso, me pasa información sobre otros proyectos que están llevando a cabo en su estación de anillamiento y en Svalbard.
Hoy no tengo tiempo para traducirlo, así que va en Inglés ( Los colegas ingleses lo agradecerán, ya que el traductor de Google.....). Mañana si tengo tiempo, lo intentaré traducir (Con mi perfecto inglés de Oxford ;-)
We are
ringing waders and in western Norway
(Sunnmøre Ringing Group) and at Svalbard
(Longyearbyen Feltbiologiske Forening / Norsk Polarinstitutt) . I will mention
the projects here:
western Norway:
Ringing Group has some cr-projects in western Norway. We hope, of course, that you will look for flagged Common
Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) , Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleuca) , Grey
Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) and Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris
ferruginea) in the future ! All these species have red colour ring on left
tibia and yellow flag on right tibia engraved with 3 black letters.
Last season
(2012) we also started cr-marking Little
Stint (Calidris minuta) . (Metal ring left tarsus. Red
cr-ring above the metal ring. Right tarsus yellow ring engraved with 3 black letters).
We also flag Common
Redshank (Tringa totanus) with yellow colour ring and
orange flag engraved with 3 black
We colour
ring Curlew (Numenius
arquata) : orange plain ring
on left tibia and orange ring engraved with 3 black letters on right tibia.
And Rock Pipit (Anthus
petrosus), Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba)
Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus) and Grashopper Warbler (Locustella naevia) with yellow ring engraved with 3 black
letters on right tarsus.
Svalbard (Arctis Ocean):
At Svalbard
(Artic Ocean) we flag Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima) :
a) Longyearbyen: orange colour ring and light
green (lime) flag with 3 black letters .
b) Longyearbyen: orange colour ring and (dark)
green flag with 3 white letters.
Sørkappøya (South Cape Island) : yellow colour ring and orange flag, 3
black letters .
We also have started to flag Dunlin (Calidris alpina) at Svalbard: orange marker ring on
left tibia, and orange flag engraved with 3 black letters on right tibia.
Summer 2012
we also started flagging Common Ringed Plover at Svalbard: Yellow marker ring at left tibia,
and orange flag engraved with 3 black letters on right tibia.
If you are
interested to see photos etc from Longyearbyen, Svalbard www.LoFF.biz. It is members of LoFF (Longyearbyen
Feltbiologiske Forening) who are
ringing/flagging Purples and other waders
at Svalbard. More about our projects you also find in www.svalbardbirds.com/Sorkappoya-filer/sorkappoya.htm
The Italian web-side www.crb-photoguide.com show
more than 2000 photos of colour marked birds in Europe, also from our projects.
Yours sincerely,
Kjell Mork
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